Instagram Mermaid Photo Contest

Mau nonton Little Mermaid gratis?

Yuk, foto di mermaid photo booth dan menangkan tiket Cinema XXI! Langsung aja ke Level 21 Mall east area depan Starbucks, yaa

Syarat & Ketentuan:

Foto diambil di mermaid photo booth sendirian, berpasangan, atau dalam kelompok
Gunakan hashtag #mermaidinlevel21mall
Unggah di Feed dan Story Instagram Anda
Ikuti akun Instagram Level 21 Mall
Akun Instagram tidak boleh terkunci
Foto paling menarik akan menjadi pemenang
Pemenang akan diumumkan pada tanggal 31 Mei 2023


Want to watch Little Mermaid for free?

Come and take a photo at the mermaid photo booth and stand a chance to win Cinema XXI tickets! Head straight to the east area in front of Starbucks Levellers
Term & Conditions :
Photo was taken at mermaid photo booth alone, in pairs or in groups
Put the hastag #mermaidinlevel21mall
Post it on your Instagram Feed and Story
Follow Instagram Level 21 Mall
Instagram should not be locked
The most attractive Photo will be the winners
The winners will be announced 31st May 2023

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